Farrell Dyde Dance Theatre & Novodada Present
Persona Non Gratis a Solo Dance Theatre Performance By Farrell Dyde
Featuring Special Guest:
Sara Jo Dunstan
July 6-8, 2006 8:00 PM
Barnevelder Movement Arts Center 2201 Preston Street Houston, Texas
Tickets: $15.00 $10 Students & Seniors with ID
Call 713-524-8529 for information and reservations
Or email to: farrelldyde@aol.com
Come Early for Food and Drink! Catered by Bob Murphy (heavy hors d’oeuvres, appetizers,
wine, beer, soda, water – moderate price)
- Persona Non Gratis is an hour long dance theatre work created and performed by Farrell Dyde that depicts three distinct characters or perhaps three distinct aspects of the same person even as within each of these
characters there are even more shadings that reveal many layers of emotions and feelings – both positive and negative.
One character literally transmutes seamlessly into another forming an almost chameleon-like collage of personalities.
- The work is divided into three parts: (1) Voyager with music by Steve Reich (Different Trains), (2) Subterranean with music by Harold Budd (Gypsy Violin) and (3) Warrior with music by Michael Nyman Memorial). In a non explicit way, the work alludes to homelessness, immigration, terrorism and pacifism
- even as it eludes any specific reading. There is no spoken word in the piece.
- Coming in October: A Full Company Performance:
- October 5-7, 2006
- Heinen Theatre
- HCC, 3517 Austin Street
- Houston, Texas